Upcoming Residents Events at Fairlight

Hello everyone! You may have noticed our website has been changing and we are providing visitors and relatives with lots more infomation about Fairlight! We also want to make sure we are keeping you updated on special events and activities happening for our residents to enjoy. This is what we have planned so far for this Spring going into Summer:

Irish Dancers for St Patricks day on 17th March

Kiddleydivey Therapeutic Music sessions start 8th April (new!)

Talk about Romania - Senior carer Catalin will be doing a talk about his home on 12th April

Gruff’s Male Voice Choir on 2nd May

Cheryl’s Vintage Juke Box on 7th June

Watch out for upcoming details of our Summer fete planned for 20th July – get that date in your diary - it's one of the most enjoyable events much anticipated by our residents each year - more details to follow!